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buku telepon bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "buku telepon"
  • Then give me the phone and my address book.
    Kalau begitu ambilkan telepon dan buku telepon.
  • There were a lot of notes on the phonebook.
    Terdapat banyak catatan di buku telepon tersebut.
  • According to the phone book, this is the address.
    Dari buku telepon, di sinilah alamat itu.
  • He said he just found him in the phone book.
    Dia bilang menemukannya di buku telepon.
  • We better call the cops, Where's the phone book?
    Kami lebih baik menelepon polisi, mana buku telepon?
  • I've got more chins than a Chinese phone book!
    Aku punya dagu lebih dari buku telepon Cina.
  • It's in the book under Rosemary Shanahan.
    Ada dalam buku telepon atas nama Rosemary Shanahan.
  • Memorizing it would be like memorizing the phone book.
    Mengingat tatonya seperti mengingat buku telepon.
  • Not many Van Coons in the phone book.
    Hanya sedikit yang bernama Van Coons di buku telepon.
  • I'm smart enough to open a phone book.
    Aku cukup pintar untuk membuka buku telepon.
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